lunes, 21 de agosto de 2023

Unit 2 Personality

I'm getting a little tired of looking at this wallpaper: me estoy cansando un poco de ver este papel de pared.

I don't think either of us did: No creo que ninguno de nosotros lo hizo.

I said it was too feminine: Dije que era demasiado femenino.

Way too masculine: Demasiado masculino.

I'm jhust pulling your leg, silly!Solo te estoy tomando el pelo, tonto!.

I'm not sure the furniture would go with it: No estoy seguro de que los muebles vayan con el.

I''d hate to have to get all new stuff: Odiaria tener que comprar todo nuevo.

And it goes with everithing!:¡Y va con todo!



viernes, 18 de agosto de 2023

Homework Live worksheets



mi茅rcoles, 16 de agosto de 2023


Positive sentences
I'm crazy about seafood: Estoy loco por los mariscos
I'm a big meat eater: Soy un gran carnivoro
I'm a big coffee drinker: Soy un gran bebedor de caf茅
I'm a pizza lover: Soy un amante de la pizza

Negative sentences
I can't stand fish: No soporto el pescado
I'm not crazy about chocolate: No estoy loco por el chocolate
I don't care for steak: No me gusta el bistec
I'm not much of a pizza eater: No soy mucho de comer pizza
I'm not much of a coffee drinker: No soy muy bebedor de caf茅

Excuses for not eating something
- Coffee doesn't gree with me: El caf茅 no me sienta bien.

- I'm on a diet: Estoy a dieta
- I'm trying to lose weight: Estoy tratando de perder peso

- I don't eat beef, It's against my religion: Yo no como carne de res, va en contra de mi religi贸n.

- I'm allergic to chocolate: Soy al茅rgico al chocolate.

- I'm avoinding sugar: Estoy evitando el az煤car.

- I don't care for broccoli: No me gusta el br贸coli.

- It looks terrific: Se ve genial
- It smells terrible: Huele fatal
- It tastes sweet: Sabe dulce
- It taste spicy: Sabe picante
- It tastes salty: Sabe salado
- It tastes sour: Sabe agrio
- It smells like: Huele como
- It tastes like: Sabe como
- It's soft: Es suave
- It's hard: Es dificil
- It's chewy: Es masticable
- It's crunchy: Es crujiente



s谩bado, 12 de agosto de 2023

Interview practice



s谩bado, 5 de agosto de 2023

Favorite food



jueves, 3 de agosto de 2023

Unit 1 Eating well


1- I couldn't resist! I had a craving for: No pude resistirme! ten铆a antojo de
2- I have to admit: Tengo que admitir
3- I have no idea: No tengo ni idea
4- I'd better pass: Mejor paso
5- turn down: Rechazar
6- I'm watching my weight: Estoy cuidando mi peso
7: Just a bite: solo un bocado

1- I don't know: I have no idea
2- I should say no: I'd better pass
3- I couldn't stop myself: I couldn't resist!
4- I'm trying not to get heavier: I'm watching my weight
5- I really wanted: I had a craving for
6- I agree: I have to admit
7- Say no to: turn down
8- I'll try a little: Just a bite


馃尭 Level 4 馃尭