lunes, 25 de septiembre de 2023

UNIT 3 - The Arts


- Jewelry: Joyas 
- Drawing: Dibujo 
- Pottery: cer谩mica 
- Fashion: Moda 
- Sculpture: Escultura 
- Painting: Cuadro 
- Photography: Fotograf铆a 
- I had no idea: No ten铆a ni idea
- Believe it or not: Por extra帽o que parezca
- How do you like that!: ¡Qu茅 le parece eso!
- I find it: Lo encuentro
- To each his own: A cada uno lo suyo
- I'm just not really into: Simplemente no me gusta mucho
- I didn't know...: No lo sab铆a...
- I don't really like...: Realmente no me gusta...
- Everyone has a different opinion: odos tienen una opini贸n diferente
- I have some information that may surprise you: Tengo alguna informaci贸n que puede sorprenderte.
- I'm really surprised!: ¡Estoy realmente sorprendido!
- You can't reallyknow someone just by looking at him or her: Realmente no se puede conocer a alguien con solo mirarlo
- In my opinion, its...: En mi opini贸n, es...

1. In the sixteenth Century they mona lisa was painted by leonerdo da Vinci.
2. That photograph in 2007 was tooked by Brazilian photographer sebastiao salgado.
3. 3D film Gravity was directed by mexican filmmaker Alfonso Cuar贸n in they 2013.
4. That print over  was Made by  japanese Master printmaker katsushika Hokusai  a Century ago.
5. These beautiful handbags we're create by Korean fashion desinfer sang a I'm - propp.
6. They beautiful Persian rugs have been produced by weavers for several thousand years.


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